Wing Shooting

If you are more of a wing shooting enthusiast, look no further than White Lion Safaris.

We also specialize in all kinds of wing shooting techniques. From decoying, Yellow-billed ducks in the mighty Zululand to Shooting the most challenging game bird in Africa, the turtle dove.

We offer unrivalled views, surroundings, luxury accommodation, and delectable meals

Fully organised and accompanied wing shooting, the only time a client needs to lift a finger is to pull the trigger.

About Wing Shooting

Wite Lion Safaris wingshooting safaris is situated in the middle of South-Africa, Free State province in the town Bloemfontein.

Bloemfontein is 4.5 hours drive from OR Tambo airport in Johannesburg and 2 hours’ drive from Kimberley.

We offer unrivalled views, surroundings, luxury accommodation, and delectable meals

fully organised and accompanied wing shooting, the only time a client needs to lift a finger is to pull the trigger.

All this takes place in sunflower fields in the Free State area. A mere hour’s drive from our main lodge.

If geese are your thing, you are in luck. Putting out decoys in reaped fields will definitely get your heart pumping when Spurwing Geese start to descend.  A must for the avid bird hunter.

The open season for all game birds is from 31st May to 31st August.

Expect to have a great time filled with fast paced shooting.

Accommodation one day shoots can be done directly out of our Kimberley lodges

Wing Shooting In South Africa

Hunt exclusively wild birds with White Lion Safaris South Africa is gifted with wild game bird populations of which there are more than fifty bird species.

More than twenty of these species are available as fair game for wingshooting in South Africa and are shot regularly.

These species include Guineafowl, Francolin species, Spurfowl species, eight species of Doves and Pigeons, three Sandgrouse species, three Quail species, numerous Duck species as well as the Egyptian and Spurwing geese.

Wingshooting safaris take place on our exclusive shooting concessions in a sustainable manner to the benefit of the bird populations. 

South African Hunting Bird Species

Spur-winged Geese are probably the largest waterfowl worldwide, with some males weighing more than 10 kg, although most weigh in the region of 5 kg. They are predominantly black with metallic green glossing and a variable amount of white on the belly and face.


Egyptian Geese are South Africa’s second largest waterfowl, with males weighing more than 2 kg. Egyptian Geese are predominantly dark brown above the light grey to white below, with red or pink legs and beak, brown eye-rings and a conspicuous brown patch (often horse-shoe shaped) in the centre of the breast.

Hunting Egyptian Goose - South Africa

The characteristic white face with uniform dark-brown to black wings devoid of any markings and black belly make identification of the White-faced Duck easy. In flight the feet extend beyond the tail.


The medium size (slightly smaller than Yellow-billed Duck) the pinkish-red bill, blackish cap, broad pinkish-buff speculum forming the trailing edge of the wing and the apparent dark underside of the wing should identify Red-billed Teal.


The unique bright chrome-yellow bill with a black saddle mark and tip should make identification of Yellow-billed Duck easy. They do not need to taxi on the water and take-off is usually direct. Only in the air the flight is normally high, fast and strong with a rhythmic wingbeat.

Hunting Yellowbilled Duck - South Africa

Southern Pochard have an overall appearance of black or dark brown. The red eye of the male is conspicuous and diagnostic as is the crescent-shaped ear covert of the female. In flight the wings reveal a distinctive light or white window. The bill of the male is blue-grey in colour and that of the female slate-grey, both black tipped.


The red eye and dull red eye-ring are inconspicuous and not a pronounced distinguishing feature of Red-eyed Dove. The large size of the birds, black half-collar, the characteristically grey-tipped tail together with the dark slate-grey of the upper breast graduating to pinkish-grey on the lower breast and belly are diagnostic of Red-eyed Dove.

Hunting Red Eyed Dove - South Africa

The distinguishing characteristics are the maroon-brown, white-spotted wings, red legs and eyes encircled by red skin.


The black collar, white-bordered tail, absence of a red eye-ring together with a clear grey-coloured breast and belly and darker grey back are the main distinguishing characteristics of this dove.

Hunting Cape Turtle Dove - South Africa

The white-spotted, rufous breast, white-spotted upper parts, white barred belly, rounded tail and the absence of a collar or breastband are diagnostic for this species. The light-grey throat of the male distinguishes it from the yellow-ochre throat of the female.

Hunting Burchells Sandgrouse - South Africa

The black half-collar, white-bordered tail and distinctive red or pink skin around the eye are the main distinguishing characteristics of this dove.

Hunting Mourning Dove - South Africa

The distinguishing characteristics are the yellow eye-ring, conspicuous yellow legs and beak, black tail and white-spotted wings.

Hunting Rameron Pigeon - South Africa

There is probably not a single South African who cannot recognise guineafowl. The horny helmet with blue and red bald head, slate-grey finely spotted body and characteristic hunched posture, are unmistakable.


The distinguishing characteristics are the broad black-spotted collar, grey throat and grey wings in flight. The belly is finely barred and the bill is black, while the feet appear yellowish. Flushing is distinctly noisy.


The distinguishing characteristics are a red or pink throat and face, and black legs. In common with most of our other francolin species, Swainson’s Francolin appear brown at a distance but closer examination reveals each feather is streaked with black or dark brown. Feathers on the belly have chesnut markings. These birds are restricted to the northern areas of South Africa.


The white throat bordered by a narrow black collar, (<10mm) and buff belly streaked with chestnut are diagnostic. The black-and-white feathers are less than 12 x 5 mm in size. In common with most other grassland partridge, the wings appear rufous or red in flight.


Distinguishing characteristics are the red or pink throat and face, the red bill and the bright red or orange legs. The upper parts are dark-to-light-brown but the cheeks, neck, breast and belly can vary, according to geographical location, from virtually white to dark-brown cheeks and throat while the breast and belly may vary from black to brown-streaked-whit or white-streaked-black or brown. However irrespective of the colour of the underparts or cheeks, the distinguishing red legs and bare throat should confirm their identity.


The distinguishing characteristics are a red or pink throat and face, and black legs. In common with most of our other francolin species, Swainson’s Francolin appear brown at a distance but closer examination reveals each feather is streaked with black or dark brown. Feathers on the belly have chesnut markings. These birds are restricted to the northern areas of South Africa.


Your number 1 destination for wing shooting in South Africa for:

• Pigeons and Doves
• Upland Game Birds
• Waterfowl

Free State


White Lion Safari Lodge description pending….

Kotoko Hunting

We offer unrivalled views, surroundings, luxury accommodation, and delectable meals.

Fully organised and accompanied wing shooting, the only time a client needs to lift a finger is to pull the trigger.

Pigeons and Doves
Rock Pigeons, Red eyed dove, laughing dove and cape Turtle doves.

Upland Game Birds
Species to expect will be guinea fowl, Swanson Francolin, Orange River Francolin, and common quill.

A variety of ducks, Spur wing goose can be shot in the areas.

The Free State experiences a continental climate, characterised by warm to hot summers and cool to cold winters.

Almost all precipitation falls in the summer months as brief afternoon thunderstorms, with aridity increasing towards the west.

Your number 1 destination for wingshooting in South Africa...

Important FAQ’s

What you need to know


Citizens of the USA and most European countries visiting  South Africa do not require visas.

Ricus, your outfitter will meet you at the airport to drive you to your Safari destination.

Clothing and Gear

Dark green or brown clothing is best, as are boots with soft soles for quiet stalking. You’ll only need a couple of changes of clothing as laundry is done daily at most camps. Bring a wide-brimmed hat, sunblock, good optics, and a jacket for cool mornings and evenings.


Tips are appreciated at most safari camps; in addition to the professional hunter, tracker(s), driver, and skinner(s), there are usually staff members at camp who handle cooking and cleaning and other chores and help to make a hunter’s stay pleasant. The professional hunter or outfitter can advise the hunter how much is appropriate to tip each staff member.

White Lion Safaris Hunting Outfitters South Africa
White Lion Safaris
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